Search results for: supplanter
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3 pages of results.
Why did God sometimes change a person’s name in the Bible? Did God sometimes give a person a new name to give him/her a new identity?
What is the biblical account of Jacob? What is the story of Jacob in the Bible? What does the Bible say about Jacob?
In this article Pastor Jack shares some very important Bible verses about fighting the good fight.
Why is Jacob called Jacob and Israel alternately in the book of Genesis? Why was he still called Jacob after God changed his name to Israel?
Who are the biblical patriarchs? Are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob considered the biblical patriarchs?
Skip to content Chapter 4 Have You the Vision? Isaiah 6:1 — "I saw the Lord." In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord, sitting upon ...
As you probably know, one of the most heated debates in Christian circles right now concerns the role of psychology in the Christian life. At the ...
Skip to content We all have battles. We might fight with a neighbor over a barking dog, fight against temptation, or argue with a spouse over fina...
Why is there any argument about Israel having a right to exist? That's like saying that the sun has no right to exist.