Search results for: hospitality
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December 2, 1979 Introduction1 Cold churches are not a product of the present energy crisis.
Our homes and apartments should stand constantly ready for strategic hospitality—a readiness to welcome people who don't ordinarily live there.
Take a look at these 4 examples of hospitality that Pastor Jack Wellman shares from the Bible.
Tony Merida discusses the importance of biblical hospitality in church planting, because we have God is a hospitable, welcoming God.
Hospitality is a term that seems to be fading away in today’s culture. But hospitality is a Biblical principle. Take a look at what Derek Hill fou...
What does the Bible say about hospitality? Why is being hospitable so important for Christians?
How can we live in a way that shows that the church is our family?
The Bible calls Christians to show hospitality to others. Read these hospitality tips.
Bethany Jenkins writes about ideas for showing hospitality at work. In a culture that's relationally broken, we have opportunities at work to...