Search results for: gluttonous
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The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Behold, a gluttonous man and aheavy drinker, a friend of tax collectors andsinners!’ And y...
Bible verses about Eating Too Much Food
Satan gets one mention in the book of Romans just to remind us: he's doomed.
Gluttony is a sin mentioned in the Bible, so what is gluttony? Does it relate only to food and drink? Read what Pastor Jack shares in this article.
What is the sin of gluttony? How does the Bible address overeating? What are the biblical warnings against being a glutton?
Bible verses about Gluttony
Two mistakes accompany most discussions on gluttony. The first is that it only pertains to those with a less than shapely waistline; the second is...
Bible verses about Overeating