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You may be surprised to hear that some people think Jesus never existed. Though popular on the internet, the idea that Jesus never existed complet...
Does the Bible give us evidence that Jesus existed before His human birth in Bethlehem? In the Beginning Before we go back to the Old Testament to...
What does the Bible say about the pre-existence of souls? Do human souls exist before a person is born into this world? Did my soul exist before I...
See why it is most logical for a Creator to exist, in light of the fact that there is something.
You discover that the Greek name for the Euphrates River is not used in the book of Genesis. Two reasons are given that explain why this is the an...
A logical argument for God’s existence: 1) Something exists 2) Nothing does not produce something 3) Something or someone must have always existed...
If you are wondering what books existed before the Bible, or what other books a Christian can read, this page shares some biblical insight.
Did Jesus exist? Is there historical evidence, outside of the Bible, that Jesus existed? Why isn't there more evidence of Jesus?
Bart Ehrman is not an advocate for Christianity or the Bible. Just listen to what Steve Ham and Tim Chaffey say […]
And now You, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world existed. - What is the meaning of Joh...