Search results for: exegesis
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What is the difference between exegesis and eisegesis? How can I draw out truth from the text instead of reading my views into the text?
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What principles are used in biblical exegesis? What principles should one keep in mind when studying the Bible? What is good biblical exegesis?
What is good biblical exegesis? What is the proper ’science' to interpreting the Bible correctly?
How do exegesis and eisegesis differ? Why is exegesis a better method? Is there any validity in eisegesis?
Ideas have consequences. Since the dawn of Western philosophy, we have witnessed the good, the bad, and the ugly of this axiom. From the influence...
What is exegesis and what is biblical eisegesis and why is the latter so dangerous when reading and studying the Bible?
Home Journal Articles Book Reviews Interpreting the New Testament: Introduction to the Art and Science of Exegesis Posted in Book Reviews Interpre...
Interpreting Scripture is the process of personally discovering what God through his human authors intended the biblical text to mean and effect.
Theological method is how a person approaches the interpretation of the Bible and how they arrive at the doctrinal implications of that interpreta...