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59 pages of results.
Writing showcasing Dr. Craig’s work as a professional philosopher and theologian. The latest article: God and Abstract Objects
What is the Haggadah? What is the Aggadah? How is the Haggadah related to the Passover Seder?
Introduction Several years ago a friend of mine was working in his garage. He was the kind of person who did not like to be interrupted while enga...
Then all his sons and all his daughters got up to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted. And he said, 'Surely I will go down to Sheol in mou...
Writing showcasing Dr. Craig’s work as a professional philosopher and theologian. The latest article: Mary Leng’s Mathematics and Reality
What were common marriage customs in Bible times? What were customary wedding practices in Bible times?
This movie requires Flash Player 8. Download Flash Player 8 Store Journals Multimedia Product Catalog Advan. Bible Reader Home Study Courses AP Cu...
Writing showcasing Dr. Craig’s work as a professional philosopher and theologian. The latest article: J. Howard Sobel on the Kalam Cosmological Ar...
What is genuflection? What does it mean to genuflect? Why do Roman Catholics genuflect when they observe Mass?
Gary DeMar is a longtime protagonist against dispensational theology, especially in the area of eschatology or end-time theology. DeMar is an advo...