Search results for: matthat
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4 pages of results.
the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, the son of Melchi, the son of Jannai, the son of Joseph, - What is the meaning of Luke 3:24?
You can learn more from a book if you stop and ask it questions than if you just read it passively. That includes the Bible too.
Why do Matthew and Luke have different genealogies of Jesus? Is Matthew a record of Jesus' genealogy through Joseph? is Luke a record of Jesus' ge...
The genealogy from Adam to Jesus is carefully recorded in scripture. This chart traces the lineage of our Savior and answers some often asked ques...
Bible verses about David And Nathan
Luke's recording of Jesus' genealogy is different becuase it includes the genealogy of Mary. This differs from the genealogical record i...
Apparent contradictions in the Bible—such as the genealogies of Jesus—have possible and plausible solutions.
Who was Levi in the Bible? What can I learn from what the Bible says about Levi?